I live in the UK (GMT +1) and I'm looking for a body double so I can study. I work irregular shifts but I'm usually available between 12pm and 4pm most days.
Thanks 😊
I live in the UK too. I am a master student.
I am usually studying from 10am-10pm
Hey there!
Looking for the same thing at those time. I need a body double to be able to study and get things done.
i don't study but i definitely need a body double for a personal project and are available between 1-4pm, lmk if that's dandy by you! (also gmt+1, as i am in scotland)
I'm from the UK too and new to the site but I can also do those study times!
For anyone else also I do work quite irregular times, ie from 5pm - 5am (with breaks inbetween of course) so if someone is up for studying later hours and for longer let me know! Deadline season is tough 😅