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30 something Student in EST looking for Morning Body Doubles

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Hi there! I am a non-traditional 30-something online student. I find myself the most productive in the mornings shortly after waking up and while having my morning cup of coffee. I practice the Pomodoro technique which helps me some of the time. I recently went on a week-long vacation with friends and found myself hyper-productive while we were all having our morning coffee together. Outside of my therapist constantly telling me body doubling is something I should try out, that vacation has proven this practice works for me. I am seeking a morning person, I live in EST, and would love to find something that can be scheduled and consistent. seeking two to three mornings a week for about 2-3 hours each morning. 


Michelle V.  

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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 2

Hey, my name is Courtney. I live in Louisiana so I’m a hour behind the east coast. But I’m a morning person. Do you need someone in person or virtually?
