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ADHDers Interested in One on One Body Doubling

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Just found out about body doubling while researching ADHD. im still new to understanding myself as an ADHDer and i really think a body double sounds like something that could be a solution to at least some of my challenges. I've checked out the site and been on Discord however the multi-persons posts and groups feel a little overwhelming to the point where im almost on the verge of a panic attack. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue. I'd really prefer to just do one on one body doubling as opposed to a chat room with a lot of people. If anyone else feels like this is them then hit me up and we could see if we fit in helping to keep each other accountable. i'm leaving my email address and anyone else feel free to leave a contact so someone can contact u if one on one is better for u... (I hope this isnt against the rules)

my email is I'm a journalist and I'm currently studying for a degree. 

Happy body doubling



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