I'm looking to do virtual body doubling (probs thru discord or teams but I'm sure I still have zoom somewhere), mostly on weekday mornings EST/UTC-5. I have so much work to do and I can't 🙁
Hi! I'm based in India but I think I can try and match timings. Have a fellowship examination coming up in a month and I neeeeed an accountability partner or just someone to body double with while I study! This is my first time on this website so how do I reach out? Lemme just leave an email id here sarah.debdsouza@gmail.com
Hey, I'm also looking for a study buddy. I live on the west coat (so PST) but I get up pretty early so I can make 10am EST (my 7am PST) meetings. Let me know if you're interested!
@dr_sawah Hey! I am also studying for a board exam - wanted to know if you wanted to work together? I live on the west coast USA (so I'm on PST) but I am very flexible on work hours.
Hello! I'm also looking a college study buddy to help me catch up on all the work I have piled up.
I live on the east coast (EST) and if interested text me on discord, my user name is littlebuster55.