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English or German speaking Body Double

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Hi there,

I'm located in the Munich area, looking for a "coworker".

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Hey! Might not work all the time, but I live in the US and can speak some German My wife is fluent and speaks German in the house every day to our children. I'm a musician who needs to do office hours and it might motivate me to get up early if I'm working with someone in Germany. Basically, I'd have to be in the office by 6 or 7 am here to catch you in the afternoon in Munich. So I'd be your afternoon "coworker" 1 or 2 days per week. 


Let me know what you think! -Anthony

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Hi Tobi
I am located in Switzerland, mainly in HO. 
Lets "cooperate"
BR, Tatjana

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Hi Tobi,

I'm based in the UK, could also do with a bit of accountability during 'office' hours.  I speak very little German I'm afraid, I studied it for a year in school, so can hold riveting conversations about cakes and colours 😏

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I'm in the Berlin area, working either 8-5 or 11-8 -- speak both English and German 🙂


Let me know if you're interested!



