Frequently Asked Questions
All of the questions that we thought you might be wondering. For all of those that we missed, please send them to us below.

General Questions
Do I need to keep my video on the whole time?
No. The goal of this site is to provide whatever you need to be more productive. Yes, you.
Do I need to keep my mic on?
Also no. Some of us mute our mics during sessions, often using the pomodoro technique and talking only during the breaks.
How do I find others to do this with?
I suggest posting in our forums with when you expect to start, and how long you expect to work. Also you can join our discord server here and either join a session in progress or join a voice/video chat room and wait for someone to join you!
Can I listen to music or watch a show? What about my loud family in the background - won't that bother people?
All of this is perfectly fine so long as you’re aware of it and you mute your microphone so others can concentrate.
Will you listen to my ideas about things that should be added to this site?
Your ideas will be read. It is not guaranteed that they will be understood. Please submit them through our contact form in comprehensible english. Your opinion matters.
Can I socialize?
One of the great things about body doubling is the social aspect but being social can easily negatively affect focus and productivity. The most important piece here is that we all recognize that we are not alone, and take short breaks collectively to work out some of our social tension and then promptly get back to our individual tasks.
Have a Different Question?
Message us anytime