Last seen: March 14, 2025 11:48 am
I am online during that time normally on our Discord server, which you'll find the link to in Methods - please join us there!
I apologize as I didn't approve this in a timely manner! Instead of making excuses I'll just reiterate what I said above, here is the invite: Sorry!
Sending you a PM
You'll have the best luck using the discord, which I posted the invite for in Methods
Just as you posted this I was in Jersey, but now I'm back home in Austin, TX. I am available virtually though, find me on Discord (invite to the serve...
@bennythebartender LMK and I can create a voice/video channel in Discord (or you can go on 'stage'?) and others can join to listen - would that be hel...
The weekend is here again and I am working on the discord server (you can find it in Methods). Join us?
Please join our Discord server! We have a link to it on this page. Otherwise please feel free to message each other here (click the username, then cli...
I want to spend time on my website (and not just writing posts like this - this is supposed to be a community not my personal journal lol).
I think setting goals and following through is the missing piece here. It is the issue of task initiation that I struggle with the most (it's even har...
Exercise is something that I don't do even though I have every reason to do it. I want to. It improves my health. It makes me happier. I have time to ...
It is important to me to spend time on myself, so I'll put that as the first comment here just to get that out of the way!
Haha! My ADHD never cared about my GPA either - this is a great idea. I'm going to try joining tonight. I'll DM you.